Participating Schools 2024-25

Cascade Elementary

Bedford County Alumni School: Frozen KIDS

Cumberland Elementary

MNPS First-Year School: The Jungle Book KIDS

Neely’s Bend Elementary

MNPS First-Year School: The Lion King KIDS

Stratton Elementary

MNPS First-Year School: Finding Nemo KIDS

Wright Middle

MNPS Alumni School: Aladdin Dual-Language Edition (English and Spanish)


TPAC's Disney Musicals in Schools Student Share Celebration on May 9, 2024

In 2021-22, schools from middle Tennessee navigated various pandemic challenges to bring back student performances with Disney Musicals in Schools. We celebrate our school communities for their resilience and their exceptional musical theatre achievements, culminating with the return of our Student Share at TPAC.

Thank you for supporting Disney Musicals in Schools: Disney Theatrical Group, CMA Foundation, Tennessee Arts Commission, Metro Arts Commission.