Melvin Malone
Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation is governed by a 28-member Board of Directors.
Eight directors are appointed by the Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation, which led efforts for TPAC and raised an endowment to support TPAC operations. Six directors are named by the Tennessee Arts Commission, five by the Governor of the State of Tennessee, one by the Tennessee Commissioner of Education, and eight by the TPAC Board. Directors serve for a term of three years.
The TPAC Board of Directors usually meets four times a year in Nashville.
View the 2024-25 TPAC Board Meetings Schedule
Vice Chair
At-Large Executive
Immediate Past Chair
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Governor
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Arts Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Arts Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Governor
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Appointing Authority: Governor
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Arts Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Education Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Arts Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Governor
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Governor
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Arts Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Appointing Authority: Tennessee Arts Commission
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Board Ex-Officio
Board Ex-Officio
Board Ex-Officio
Thomas B. Baker Jr.
William L. Barry
Marylyn Bullock
Sonya Butcher
Joseph Davenport Jr.
Sandra Fulton
Hank Hildebrand
Martha Ingram
Sam Ingram
David Pack
Brooks Parker
Athens C. Pullias
Kenneth Roberts
James W. Stewart
Lon Varnell
William F. Venable
Raymond Zimmerman
Kathleen Airhart
Dale Allen
Tom Allen
Carter Andrews
Thomas B. Baker Jr.
Eloise Barrett
William L. Barry
Emily Barton
E. Warner Bass
John S. Beasley II
Judith Bell
Kenny Blackburn
Molly Blair
E. Michael Blanton
Dennis Bottorff
Barbara T. Bovender
Jack Bovender
Kathryn Brown
William H. Braddy III
Marylyn Bullock
Sonya Butcher
Monroe Carell
Steven G. Cates
John Cody
Vernon Coffey
J. Chase Cole
Kate Collier
Deane Conley
Andrea Conte
Colleen Conway-Welch
Charles Cook Jr.
Bob Corker
Ed “Willie” Cox
Waverly Crenshaw
Jeanette Crosswhite
Joseph Davenport Jr.
Mark Davison
Vicki Dimond
Donna G. Eskind
Rod Essig
Farzin Ferdowsi
John Ferguson
Robert Fogelman
Leslie Fram
Patricia C. Frist
Sandra Fulton
Eddie George
Joel C. Gordon
Kerry Graham
William B. Greene Jr.
Kathleen Guion
Chuck Hall
Aubrey Harwell
Hank Hildebrand
Bruce Hinton
Ruth S. Holmberg
Tish Hooker-Schermerhorn
Samuel Howard
MaryAnne Howland
Sam Ingram
Tom Ingram
Martha Ivester
J. W. Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Marcelite Johnson
Victor S. Johnson
Will Johnston
Tracy Kane
Beverly Keel
Walter G. Knestrick
William E. Knestrick
Howard Lamar III
Susan Lanigan
Richard A. Lewis
Judy Liff
Robert S. Lipman
Bill Lynch
Steve Mason
Jack C. Massey
Patricia Matthews-Juarez
Eilene Maupin
Mrs. Frank McCoy Jr.
Emmie McDonald
Robert McElrath
Bill McInnes
Marcus McKamey
Robert McNeilly
Michael R. McWherter
Beth Mooney
Sen. Carl Moore
Sherri Neal
Dr. Robert H. Ossoff
David Pack
Brooks Parker
Priscilla Partridge de Garcia
David Perdue
Jimmy Perkins
Roy Perry
Jere Phillips
Sandy Powell
Scott Probasco
Athens C. Pullias
Wayne Qualls
Mrs. Robert Quinn
Ben Rechter
Colin Reed
Doyle Rippee
Kenneth Roberts
Joe M. Rodgers
Carolyn Rogers
Anne L. Russell
Harold Schaperkotter
Herbert Schulman
Verna Schwantes
Carroll Shanks
Bob Shell
Thomas Sherrard
Todd Shipley
Michael Shmerling
Charles Smith
Morgan Stewart
Barbara Speyer
Larry Stessel
James W. Stewart
Frances Tigrett-Jackson
Richard Tripper Jr.
James R. Tuerff
Lon Varnell
Tera Vazquez
William F. Venable
Jane Walters
Bernard Werthan
David K. Wilson
William M. Wilson
Uzi Yemen
Alan Yuspeh
Raymond Zimmerman