Tennessee Performing Arts Center Management Corporation is governed by a 28-member Board of Directors.

Eight directors are appointed by the Tennessee Performing Arts Foundation, which led efforts for TPAC and raised an endowment to support TPAC operations. Six directors are named by the Tennessee Arts Commission, five by the Governor of the State of Tennessee, one by the Tennessee Commissioner of Education, and eight by the TPAC Board. Directors serve for a term of three years.

The TPAC Board of Directors usually meets four times a year in Nashville.

View the 2024-25 TPAC Board Meetings Schedule

2024-25 Officers

Melvin Malone


Jim Schmitz

Vice Chair

J. Reginald Hill


Sheila Gibson


Martha R. Ingram

At-Large Executive

Dr. Philip Wenk

Immediate Past Chair

2024-25 Directors

Additional Board Members