Tennessee Performing Arts Center’s signature fundraiser, the TPAC Gala, will make its lavish return to the Four Seasons Hotel on Saturday, April 5, 2025.

This breathtaking black-tie affair ushers in an evening of sophisticated elegance and artistic surprises to benefit TPAC’s nationally recognized educational, cultural, and community engagement initiatives.


Buy Tickets to Gala     


If you’re interested in becoming a table host for the 2025 TPAC Gala, please email Mary Cate Conn at MConn@TPAC.ORG.

For corporate underwriting opportunities, please contact April Posey at APosey@TPAC.ORG.



Thank you to our 2025 TPAC Gala Partners

Presenting Partner

Entertainment Underwriters

Executive Produers


In-Kind Partners